The Biebs is not pleased! Geez, can’t an international heartthrob just follow in the footsteps of the Lord (literally) without being constantly photographed and spoken to?!
Justin Bieber arrived in the Middle East on Monday ahead of two planned concerts in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem later this week. The teen pop star is set to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his office on Wednesday evening and is planning to visit a number of landmarks during his stay, including tours of Galilee and the Dead Sea.No stranger to a tween stampede or two, The Biebs and his famous mane have been besieged by the roving lens of snapping photogs since their arrival
He Tweeted Tuesday: “I’m in the holy land and I am grateful for that. I just want to have the same personal experience that others have here. So I’m looking forward to this week and I look forward to putting on a great show…”That’s if he can stay one step ahead of the paparazzi.
The Canadian pop star sent out a series of angry Twitter messages this afternoon, complaining about the aggressive photographers who have forced him to spend the rest of his trip holed up in his hotel room.“You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places. All I wanted was the chance to walk where jesus did here in isreal (sic),” fumed a peeved JB, the son of a devout Born Again Christian.
“They should be ashamed of themselves,” he added shortly after, following that with: “Take pictures of me eating but not in a place of prayer, ridiculous … People wait their whole lives for opportunities like this, why would they want to take that experience away from someone … Staying in the hotel for the rest of the week u happy? It’s not the fans, and some of the paps were nice enough to leave. But some people just don’t have respect..”
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